Thursday 20 October 2011

미남이시네요 (You're Beautiful)

I'm always not that into Korean drama. I love Japanese drama and I know many will say that Japan and Korea is kind of alike so I should be into Korea as as much as I am into Japan. At least some people did told me this before. Hmm... No offense but the Endless Love series did gave me quite an impact on how average Korean drama seems to be. As much as I love J-dorama, I avoid all the crying, complicated kind of love story. Life is miserable enough so why torture myself more with all the heart-breaking story? That's the reason why I always block myself from K-entertainment show. But I changed my thought on K-drama recently because of this show.

Ta~Dang. Yeap, it's 미남이시네요. For all of you who watched korean drama out there, you should be quite familiar with this drama because it was quite a hit show when it was aired in 2009.Or you may know this drama even if you're not a K-fan, 'cause frankly speaking I knew this drama before I watched it. I told you it was a hit show ya?

Well, the story is about a girl and a boy, and.... Watch it yourself!! It will be bad for me to reveal the storyline here. Hehe

Anyway how, the reason I watched this drama is that I watched the Japanese remake of this drama. Not that good for me. And since I was so bored, I thought why not give the original version a try? If it's a really bad show, I could stop watching it anytime, no big deal. Guess what? I COULDN'T STOP.

It was so funny and I love to see the interaction between the A.N.JELL members. They are so cute. Especially the lead singer and the drummer. What an arrogant dude and a cute boy ^^ (Though I think I will give the lead singer a smack on his head if he truly exist in this world =p) But as much as I love this show, I couldn't stand the eyeliner makeup of the lead singer at 1st. I know it's a trend in Korea now that the male artist will put on eyeliner or eyeshadow makeup to beautify their look, but fashion or not, I can hardly stand a guy put on such a visible make up on his face. Too Much!! Why try to look much more beautiful than girls when you are already born with a handsome face? It's too much~~

However human is a very scary existence, we get used to things very fast, which I think sometimes is not a good thing. Imagine you get used to abusive partner, learned helplessness... Anyway back to the subject, I get used the look after several episodes. Yeah I guess I just have to accept the fact that he loves to beautify his eyes @@ By the way, I love the songs in the show. They are all so so nice and beautiful, it's been awhile since I listen to such K-pop. Mostly the Korean song that I heard are all those electronic song, I'm not into that type of music, not even that kind of Western music.

Well 'You're Beautiful' is quite a good drama, give it and it's songs a try, you won't regret it. Hopefully. I think. *=p* Now I'm watching 'The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince'. It's kind of like 'You're Beautiful' if you know what I means. The storyline is not bad but the pace is slow. Very slow. I hope I won't end up skipping/ jumping from one scene to another throughout the show. Bye all~

The lead actor & actress in the show -- Park Shin Hye & Jang Keun Suk

The cute drummer -- Lee Hong Ki (What a girl~~ XD)