Sunday 26 June 2011

another collection~

I went for shopping with my sister today. See what I've bought?


I shouldn't bought this manga because I really need to save money for my future use. But it was there, lay on the foor beside the aisle in the shop, waiting for someone to buy it, and it was one of the two last stocks!
So, though my brother said he will buy it, which now he obviously cannot because he has no money, and though it was expensive (it costs more than RM100), I've bought it!!!

Haiz~ I know I know~ I have no self-control and I am terrible in saving money. Haiz~ But since I've bought it, I will treat it nice and keep it well. I actually get mad if someone spoil my books. Even if it's just a small scratch. I will get really really angry.

I love RAVE. It was a nice manga and I love the storyline. Though it was kinda sad as well. Really very sad. Especially when the guy whom power is to control the time died,and when Haru had to die and Elie had to be the one to kill him. It' just too sad. But nice. Guess I'm a masochism when it comes to manga huh?

Friday 17 June 2011


Rhythm of The Falling Rain

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I've been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again.

The only girl I care about has gone away
Lookin' for a brand new start
But little does she know that when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart.

Rain please tell me now does that seem fair
For her to steal my heart away when she don't care
I can't love another when my heart's somewhere far away.
[ Lyrics from: ]
The only girl I care about has gone away
Looking for a brand new start
But little does she know that when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart.

Rain won't you tell her that I love her so
Please ask the sun to set her heart aglow
Rain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow.

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I've been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again.

Woa, listen to the falling rain
Woa, listen to the falling rain
Woa, listen to the falling rain
Woa, listen to the falling rain...


Get Backers!!

Ginji~ (he is so cute ^~^)

Ban~ (he is so sexy man O.o)

I'm reading back this manga recently because I've bought the whole series for my brother, as his birthday gift. Yeah I know, I'm such a good sister who bought RM100++ gift for brother, with my salary. I've also bought some other books for myself at a book fair, and a doll for my sister as a gift as well. Thanks to all these stuff, my 1st month salary GONE!! T~T 
I really need to attend 'How to SAVE MONEY' class...or maybe a seminar? =p

whole series of Get Backers~

some other books I've bought at the book fair~ ^^
No money, no talk. No money, no cosplay. No money, no guitar lesson. No money, got nothing. T_T
Guess this is how I look like now~


Sunday 12 June 2011


Children were asked to draw people with different emotion shown in order to learn more about emotion and feelings. So as the assistant teacher, I acted out few emotions and this is how I look like in children' eyes.

I have green and blue face!!! And yes, I don't even have hair in one or two of the pictures...>.<
I don't know if you noticed this but I think I look like a character in 'A Bug's Life' in the 1st column at the left.


I'm planning to cosplay like this in this year CF. Do you think I suit the character??


  Or this?

Or maybe I should cos two different character for both days? Since I think I will attend both of them. But then where should I get all this dress from? I definitely need to ask my mum to sew the red cloth for me. Then the lolita dress??? Get it from Times Square? Hmm... And how about my hair? I have to do treatment to make it looks nicer. Wah...we are talking about a lot of money here and that's the hardest thing I could ever get (- -,)

(notice: all images are retrieved from

Saturday 4 June 2011


 I almost forgot what happen for the last few weeks so I just summarize what I have been through in this post la..

1st, I've attended the wedding of my cousin, he is 1 or 2 years younger than me and the reason he get marry is because his girlfriend got pregnant. Yeah I know, O.o right? Anyway how, the bride is really cute and pretty. She wore a dark olive green halter gown, which kind of looks like picture at below.

The design of the gown is almost the same like the one in the pic as well. Cute right? ^^
The bride is so young (she is the same age as my cousin) plus she looks like the cute girls in Japan, so even though she is already 5 months pregnant at that time, she looks amazing at that night.  She is so thin that I bet the baby is a boy. Hehe, like what others say, big and round tummy if it's a baby girl, flat and sharp tummy if it's a baby boy.


2nd, I went to the C2AGE event held at Tropicana!!! C2AGE stands for 'Cosplay, Comic, Anime, Games & Exhibition'. It's a society/club co-founded by the students at HELP and it's about, well the name of the club tells you everything right? The event held for two days and I went to both of them. Well I didn't stay till the end for both days but I did saw some great cosplay there. Here are some pictures to show.

 Hi Yaoi~ =p

I lazy to upload all pictures so I just uploaded few of them. Just enough to let you all see the craziness. But I have to admit the best cosplay event I have seen so far is the Comic Fiesta last year, though I've only been to 2 events before. And I saw some cosplayers from CF last year in the C2AGE!! Haha, this is a small world huh? Anyway, I can't wait for the CF this year and I swear I'm going to cosplay for that. I already have the whole concept in my mind and what's left is just to put the thinking into action. No money, no talks. >.<


3rd, one thing dad told me few days before about working.

"When you are working, always listen with your ears, see with your eyes and think with your brain. But never talk with your  mouth."

Try your best to understand that. This is an advice from someone who starts to work legally since 14 years old. I found it very useful.

4th, my high school buddy's birthday is next week and she has plan a birthday party. Woah~ That means I can go to the party right after I finish my work? Hmm...I took off couple days ago because I'm sick. It wasn't that serious but my brother is right, I shouldn't spread the virus to the kids there so I decided to tool off and relax at home. But it also means that I have to replace my shift on next Saturday. At first I thought it will be bad because I have to lose one weekend but now? Haha, it's actually more convenient for me to go to the party now. But the transport how le? Hmm...Never mind la, ask my brother to fetch me then =p


And lastly, I have more worksheets to do and everyone wants me to finish theirs' first. Grrr... That means I have to 1st, learn how to split myself or grow more hands;

2nd, I have to learn how to do more stuff at once, which by means I have to increase my working pace, turn my speed engine into max;

3rd, I have to start finding more possible pics for my worksheets. Since I can't scan the book for copyright issue, and the teacher didn't edit the content for me, I have to actually change everything in the book without changing the teaching and the content. What is that? How to change something without changing the content and violate the copyright? I can do that for my assignment but teaching book??
Haiz...imagine a picture with animals in a jungle and students have to fill in the names for the animals, where should I go look for the same pictures with same content but different animals? Unless I draw a different picture but then it would cost me a lot of time and I'm not that free.

4th, do everything I mention above but x100 because I really have a lot to do and I always get extra works. For example I just send 400+ sms to parents regarding our holiday program couple weeks ago and guess what? After that only few students apply and my boss think that is because the parents didn't receive the notice and I need to send sms to the parents again in the following week, this time approximately 1000 sms. Crazy man! Then wrap the books company bought, laminate and cut the decoration use for the holiday program. Haiz...Many short notice and  many extra works. All my works are pending and I'm blogging now!? Haiz... Bad bad bad..

Like what the assistant manager in our company said, this is real life. This is how working like in real life. One of my colleague had to translate documents from Malay into English when she first works at the company. Another colleague has to build about 10 cabinets in the centre with her own hand and one screwdriver. All of them have been through what I'm doing now and I can assist the teachers in the class one week after I joined the company, no harsh works, nothing. So maybe I shouldn't complain so much about my work and try to learn as more as possible during this internship. Coz I really think I will get smarter after I complete this internship, though it means more challenging and exhausting  works.


p/s: My big dog almost bang into wall when she is chasing after some birds in our garden. My mix breed dog actually banged into the wall with front when he chased after the ball my brother kicked in the garden. No bleed and no harm. My small dog? Not even dare to touch the back of my tortoises with her hand. Just barks non-stop. Chicken.