Tuesday 25 September 2012

Promotion team, sub-committee@HELP University 30-Hour Famine DIY Camp 2012

So... At the beginning of this April, I'd joined the 30-Hour Famine D.I.Y Camp of my Uni, which is known as the 2nd largest co-organizer of 30-Hour Famine, as part of the sub-committee. To be precise, the promotion team.

Well for those who know me, I'm known for not being active in any clubs/society's activities. I didn't even join any sport competition or rarely participate in any events ever since my primary school. The reasons are... complicated which I'm lazy to explain about it but yeah, I'm a ninja in my school. But somehow during my last semester, which was this May, I started to feel more... active? I started to have this thoughts to make more memories in my last degree life. Instead of graduating with nothing but book knowledge, I would like to add some adventure in my uni life as well. So that's it. My motive to join the event and became part of the probably one of the biggest event of the year in Malaysia.

So instead of getting into the program team I wanted at first, I was assigned into the promotion team, as the name said the team that promote everything in regards to the event. Surprisingly, unlike other team that have mix gender member, our team is the only team that has the members of same gender, an all-girl team. And somehow we were known as powerpuff girl team later. Hah! And I was thankful for being assigned into promotion team but not program team later because program team had a really hard time during my thesis submission period. If I was in that team, I don't think I'll be able to survive for the most important assignment in my degree course.

Okayz. So what did the promotion team do? We were in-charge of the promotion booth, the notice board, the small notice that we stick around the campus, the posters, distributing flyers, recruiting campers, fund-raising, decoration and registration on the actual day. We even came out with some small lovely sticks that were meant to promote our camp. Throughout the 4 months, we were busy cut cut cut, paste paste paste, standing the whole day and use our attractive voice to recruit campers. The outcome of all that effort was that our decoration had won us the 1st prize on the Uni@Life (clubs & societies day). The money we won was an add on to our funding for the camp. And we even managed to recruit about 650 campers for the actual! It's the most campers our Uni has recruited as compared to past years. Even though the 50++ of it were our committees and about 1/4 didn't make it on the actual day, the number of the campers is still amazing! We were basically the largest crowd when we walked into the stadium for the countdown concert. That's why I'm so proud to be part of promotion team. We may not in charge of the big major thing, but our little effort has made many changes :)

To be honest, before I joined this event (This year was the 1st time I joined the event), I've always thought that this kind of event has nothing to do with me, especially when I have a gastric issue, even though it is meaningful. I don't want to have anything to do with it. But after joining it, I have to admit it did make changes in my life. The way I see thing and the way I feel about myself. Throughout the event, I've experienced the beauty of teamwork, which I hated before. Working with people of different ages (our team master is 2 years younger than me yet she is more capable than I do *shame*), different principle made me learn more about this life. I've learn that this is a beautiful event that make people appreciate or perceive their life more, I've also learn about how people misuse the purpose of this event for money or fame. Of course I was disappointed when I learn about it but I choose not to let it bother me. People can do whatever they want as long as what I'm doing is right and it's not harming anyone. I've also made a bunch of great friends throughout the event. If I didn't participate in this event, I wouldn't have know so many beautiful people in my uni. Although it's my last semester in uni, I was happy to meet such great people in life. Thank you all my friends. We may not be the bff or bf, but a friend is a friend. Gonna miss you all so much. Stay connect on FB ya :)

Other than that, I'm especially proud of myself when I gone through the actual day. With my body's condition, I never though I'm able to survive the day without the help of medicine. Especially when I had went through the days before the event without proper meals or sleep and was under a great deal of stress. Plus I didn't managed to finish my breakfast on the actual day due to over-busy on registration counter. I even made mistake for marking the wrong group number for few campers. *shame* However not only I survived the day without any food (I actually starved more than 30 hours), but I also managed to stay energetic throughout the whole event, except for the countdown concert. All of us, the committees were basically fishing in the stadium when the performers perform on the stage. But all of us came to conscious when Lee Hom's on the stage. I can't tell whether it's because of Lee Hom or the food. My reason of being conscious was the food though :p

But anyway, I'm really glad I joined this event. And I'll most probably join it again next year. This time I want to be a volunteer under World Vision instead. :)

Our banner of the year~
Our promotion booth at kpdA

The front side
Our little lovely promotion sticks~ The caption on it was written by hand!
Aren't they awesome? ♥
Our amazing booth at Uni@Life~ All the girls in the pic are the pretties of promotion team~!
Can you believe I collected all these leaves/hays as well as the stones?
We made this based on the video we watched online. The plastic bottle shoes children actually wear in their country :(
The bonding trip. Not all committees present but we had great fun! ;)
Member training day. The only two chickens that got upgraded. Only we know what it means ;p
Volunteer training day. All of them are the volunteers/group leader on the actual day. They are the one help out and take care of the campers when we are busy with our own stuff. :D
Our notice board for the day. My girls finished this without me helping because I was busy with my thesis. Hmmp :(
The 'how to register' guidelines. Same as above, I didn't help out as well :(
Our unique name tag~! Dark orange colour for main-committees, yellow for sub-comm and red for volunteer. Aren't they cool? ;D (Btw I lost mine after the event. Forgot where I put it >.<)

Our two funny emcees~ The problem is funny, the solution is serious ;)
My friend who agreed to be volunteer at the end. Nice to have you there :)
Our campers & committees. Green for committees/volunteer/group leader and blue for campers. That's lot of us right!? ;D
The wrist measurement we got before entering the stadium. It's to measure your health based on the width of your wrist. And of course I'm healthy :)
Inside the stadium. Look at the crowd O.o
Lee Hom on the stage. Everyone going nuts in the last 10 minutes x)
The final countdown.
This is what we got after starving for 30 hours. I'm not a fan of corn flavor bun but when you're starved for 30 hours, that's nothing more you can ask for right? :)

The group photo. The committees of HELP-U 30-Hour Famine DIY Camp 2012. All of us. It's fun and my pleasure working with you all! Thanks for making sweet memory for my last moment in degree course. ;)

Though not all of us are present in this picture, my favourite team ever, the powerpuff girl team. Really love you all.

The lenglui promotion team. ♥♥♥

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