Wednesday 7 September 2011

Change Before You Have To

'Change before you have to --- Jack Welch'
by Dr. G in IO Psych' class


I feel like wanna do the forensic psych' assignment by myself....
Realized that I really not into group assignment, control freak I am?


 Eyes are getting more and more sensitive to bright light @@ Time to get myself a darker lens' eyeglasses huh?


Today I have my 1st Industrial/Organization Psychology a.k.a. IO class. I thought it was going to a nightmare before because I hate business very much!!! Anything that is related to business, which by the way means subject here, I won't get nearer to it unless I have to. However unfortunately IO which talks about psychology in industrial or organization is related to business (yeah I know it is more to management but still it's a business thing!), is a core subject in year 3. This means that I have/need/must take it in order to graduate from the program. Geez... I did cursed the department for putting it as a core subject before.

BUT today's class changed my mind. Yeah it's still kind of boring (no offense >.<) but listen to Dr. G kind of inspiring me. I can related much the theory/module with  my experience in the internship. Thanks to myself for chose to did a 4 months internship? Or maybe I just miss his voice too much? =p

Overall today is a good start for both cognitive & IO class. Let's hope two weeks later I won't turn out to be falling asleep in the class. Addio everyone~

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