Monday 5 September 2011

New semester starts today!!

Hi folks, as you can see from the title, I'm back to school again~!! Okay that sounds like a high students. Rephrase! I'm back to college again!! And I'm now officially a Year 3 students!! One step further to my dream, hoho~

Today is my 1st day of the new semester, it's also the 1st class of Forensic Psych, which is teach by the legendary Ms.W. Although I almost fail both her year 2 research class (I admit I really hate statistics), and she will give quizzes which I dislike the most in class, and she's also very strict in marking assignment and will give tough exam (= =), I have to say she is the best lecturer I have met so far. She has fun personality, I learn a lot in her class, plus I'm planning to enter the field of criminology in future, so I need to take this only crime-related psych subject in the college in order to get familiar with the subject.

So how's the 1st class of forensic psych? Fun, and serious as well. It's not an easy subject and I know how heavily it could be with all the rape, abuse cases, but that's my interest and I'm well prepare for the world. Plus it's teach by the fun-loving Ms.W (okay maybe not the loving part), so yeah I think I will be fine with it. (finger cross) Hopefully I can nail the subject and get a decent grade for it. I means a real good grade.

Recently I'm so into something, which is....

GLEE!!! I love this drama and I love their songs so muchh!! They have great voices. And I love the chemical romance between Kurt and Blaine. They are sooo sweet~~ Every interaction between them, every time their eyes meet and how Kurt will look at Blaine with a shy-ish, little girl expression. Awww~~so sweet~ How much I wish to have a boyfriend like Blaine, mature and crazy about me.

Okay back to reality. I love GLEE's songs so much, and now I'm addicted to the song 'Toxic', originally sing by Britney Spears. Mr. Schue's voice is sooo sexy. It gives me a blush every time I heard his voice. Woah, can't stand it yet can't stop listening to it. For you all out there who never heard the GLEE version of the song 'Toxic', here you go. Enjoy~

By the way, heard the news couple days ago that Chord Overstreet, who potrayed the character Sam Evans in GLEE (one of my favourite characters >.<) will not join the latest season of GLEE.
!!!! What!? The good looking blonde Justin Bieber (haha) are not joining the cast in the show?? Why?? (T.T) Heard the reason of quitting is some kind of disagreement on contract. Haiz..That means one more handsome + great voice cast gone from the show. Hmmph...Fine. Hopefully the new member from the GLEE project will do a good job on the show. And Ryan please get Cameron Mitchell for the show. He's quite talented and I like him too!!

p.s. I wore my new black boots to class today. It looks really nice (my sister said the opposite coz it doesn't suits my fair skin, brown colour looks nicer though) but it smells REALLY TERRIBLE. New shoes' smell, URGHH.

Sam Evans a.k.a Chord Overstreet ^~^

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