Thursday 5 May 2011

3rd day of work

Today is my 3rd day of working, and I haven't get my AI software, die die die!!

As usual, I reached the office at about 8am, and my working is from 9am to 6pm. Yeah, SO early I know, but this is what happen to you when you stay out of town, another state actually. Don't ask me why, I didn't bought the house and I am the one decided to work at town. Grrr...@ @

By the way, I didn't went to preschool today, the kids were out for field trip and I'm not following because I'm not their teacher. So I stayed at office for whole day, sit in front of my laptop and design the presentation slides for the kids. Eyes pain is a sure, and headache as well.  What's frustrated me the most is that I didn't manage to find the simplest definition for the concept of the math for the kids. Hmm... I shall ask for help from colleague tomorrow then.

This morning, I installed the AI software by transferred the software from the main pc in the office into my laptop. It was quick and my laptop doesn't hang. But here comes the news: Good news is, I now have the AI in my laptop, and I can use it to finishing the worksheet for children in preschool; bad news is, the worksheets were designed and saved using the CS3, the AI I got from the main pc is only CS, and it could not read the format of all worksheets. I mean ALL WORKSHEETS. Dang! So now even I have the software in my laptop, I could not use it to do my work, and I still have to borrow the laptop from the teacher tomorrow in order to finish all the worksheets by then. Yes, the deadline is tomorrow and I still got 15 more to go. Oh no, one simple thing that I can finish in 1 or 2 hours, now I have to wait for my turn to use the laptop and who knows how long it takes for my turn to use it. Haiz... I should have just buy the software myself, isn't I?

Anyway how, I managed to finished two presentations for the Math, and my colleague said I should have at least finish one or one and a half presentations everyday. Okay, that's not too bad I think, once I get used to the job I will be able to do things more quicker. My boss also told me that I have to design not only this worksheet for Malay, but English and literature as well for the preschool. Then other than the presentations slides for Math, I also have to prepare the slides for literature and other topics for the kids. Okay okay, it's headache enough to split myself into two different place, but I also have to do double of the work for each place, that is too much. Luckily I don't need to work on Sat, that means I have more time to finish my work in weekend and now I'm grateful that I don't have social life. Oops, it's not don't have social life, it's I don't have active social life. I do socialize you know, sometimes.

Haiz, overall my day wasn't too bad. I just have to get used to the designing so I can finish my work quicker ,try to get a newer version of AI so I can finish my worksheet, and improve my English so I can help myself out when I'm doing the presentations slides for literature. I know nothing about literature and stories!!! And my English SUCKS!

Time now is 11.20am and I've just finished my dinner at 10.45pm. Can I sleep while I'm full? I know it's not good for digestion but I'm really sleepy. I almost oversleep this morning because I slept at 12am yesterday. See how healthy I have become huh? Anyway, good night folks and goodnight to myself~ Zzzz

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