Sunday 15 May 2011

Pain & Pleasure = Helpless

I went to shopping this morning and bought couple very cute shoes.

Aren't they cute??? I wasn't having much interested in these kind of shoes before because they make my feet uncomfortable when I wear them. It's a genetic + bone structure problem because my mum and my sister have trouble on these kind of shoes as well. It seems like our back heels is flatten than other people and our feet don't fit nicely into the curve-shaped heels of the shoes, which either the shoe will constantly fall off from our feet when we walk, because our feet are unable to hold it, or the top of the back heels of the shoes, which nicely bend inward, will scrub the skin of our back heels and we will end up with a bleeding feet.

However, these two shoes look so cute on me that I decided to buy them even though I know I will suffer later. Yes, I suffered later. I personally like the black shoe more because it is far more cuter than the other one and I plan to wear it to next weekend event. I just think it will looks nicer with my black clothes than my boots. So in order to make the shoe comfortable to wear on my feet next week, I wore it to movie today.

Yes, I watched movie again and it is 'Thor'. I didn't like this movie at 1st but I heard from others that it is nice, so why not give it a shot? Conclusion? It is nice and I never thought Natalie Portman will be the heroin of the movie. It is a big surprise for me. I think the hero looks like the Sabretooth in the 1st X-Men movie, they are both blond, tall, muscular and they have the same kind of eyes. They are both sexy. Anyway how, it is a nice movie and too bad it was too short. They can include much more story in it but due to time restriction (this is not a Lord of the Ring movie =p), they can only made stories about the main part and it already used up an hour. @@

Oh back to the story, on my way to movie, which costs no more than 20 minutes, my new black shoe is hurting me by scrubbing the skin of my back heels and I ended up walked awkwardly to the cinema. Right after I'm on my seat, I took off the shoe from me and guess what I saw? BLOOD. And I didn't saw it on my feet, I saw it on my shoe. Yes, my shoe got my blood on it due to the scrubbing. My feet bleed after I walk on the shoe for not more than 20 minutes. What the heck? Can you imagine that? Here is a picture of my feet after bleeding.

 My left foot. It bleeds =(

 My right foot. It may looks more serious but it doesn't bleeds.

My shoe with blood. Yes, the stain on the middle is MY BLOOD.

Haiz...I ended up have to watched a very nice movie with hurting feet. Thanks to it I have hard time to concentrate in the cinema. Feel so sorry for the nice story. And my feet still hurt now. Very much.  Hmm... I still feel like want to wear the shoe to the event even though it hurts me so much. Never mind, I shall find some ways to overcome the heels problem. Buy some heels protection maybe? Or if I fail to come up with any solution, I might wear my sister's shoe then. The brown shoe with very high heels, it makes me uncomfortable as well but I want to look nice in the event. Now I know what they mean by women take beauty far more important than their live. I'm becoming one of them right? Haiz = =

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