Thursday 20 October 2011

미남이시네요 (You're Beautiful)

I'm always not that into Korean drama. I love Japanese drama and I know many will say that Japan and Korea is kind of alike so I should be into Korea as as much as I am into Japan. At least some people did told me this before. Hmm... No offense but the Endless Love series did gave me quite an impact on how average Korean drama seems to be. As much as I love J-dorama, I avoid all the crying, complicated kind of love story. Life is miserable enough so why torture myself more with all the heart-breaking story? That's the reason why I always block myself from K-entertainment show. But I changed my thought on K-drama recently because of this show.

Ta~Dang. Yeap, it's 미남이시네요. For all of you who watched korean drama out there, you should be quite familiar with this drama because it was quite a hit show when it was aired in 2009.Or you may know this drama even if you're not a K-fan, 'cause frankly speaking I knew this drama before I watched it. I told you it was a hit show ya?

Well, the story is about a girl and a boy, and.... Watch it yourself!! It will be bad for me to reveal the storyline here. Hehe

Anyway how, the reason I watched this drama is that I watched the Japanese remake of this drama. Not that good for me. And since I was so bored, I thought why not give the original version a try? If it's a really bad show, I could stop watching it anytime, no big deal. Guess what? I COULDN'T STOP.

It was so funny and I love to see the interaction between the A.N.JELL members. They are so cute. Especially the lead singer and the drummer. What an arrogant dude and a cute boy ^^ (Though I think I will give the lead singer a smack on his head if he truly exist in this world =p) But as much as I love this show, I couldn't stand the eyeliner makeup of the lead singer at 1st. I know it's a trend in Korea now that the male artist will put on eyeliner or eyeshadow makeup to beautify their look, but fashion or not, I can hardly stand a guy put on such a visible make up on his face. Too Much!! Why try to look much more beautiful than girls when you are already born with a handsome face? It's too much~~

However human is a very scary existence, we get used to things very fast, which I think sometimes is not a good thing. Imagine you get used to abusive partner, learned helplessness... Anyway back to the subject, I get used the look after several episodes. Yeah I guess I just have to accept the fact that he loves to beautify his eyes @@ By the way, I love the songs in the show. They are all so so nice and beautiful, it's been awhile since I listen to such K-pop. Mostly the Korean song that I heard are all those electronic song, I'm not into that type of music, not even that kind of Western music.

Well 'You're Beautiful' is quite a good drama, give it and it's songs a try, you won't regret it. Hopefully. I think. *=p* Now I'm watching 'The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince'. It's kind of like 'You're Beautiful' if you know what I means. The storyline is not bad but the pace is slow. Very slow. I hope I won't end up skipping/ jumping from one scene to another throughout the show. Bye all~

The lead actor & actress in the show -- Park Shin Hye & Jang Keun Suk

The cute drummer -- Lee Hong Ki (What a girl~~ XD)

Friday 30 September 2011

Food , food and food

As the title shown, this post is about food. These are all the food/meals that I had recently.

1st, my mid-autumn dinner. We had a hard time playing traditional lantern + candles that day due to the rain but thanks to the amazing cook in the house -- my mum, we had a luxury dinner.

Ta da~ Isn't my mum awesome? ^^


I passed by a bakery after I cut my hair the other day. Since my hair is a disaster (I don't understand why people always cut my fringe so short till it cover nothing, I really don't look good with extremely short fringe = =), I'd decided to buy myself a cake. Plus it's been awhile since our family had our last cake. It's not a big cake though (I've forgotten the actual size, 6 inch maybe?) To my surprise, as attractive as it looks like, it tastes good too. (Sorry I have this mindset that good looking thing doesn't necessarily means it's good inside as well).

 Small cake with quite sweet chocolate slices~

 A closer look~ All the fruits on top are tomatoes, interesting huh?

Butter cake with chocolate + vanilla layers~

I believed this yellow thing here is a kind of tomatoes. Although it tasted like a tomato, it is extremely sour and I don't know why >.<


This Monday me and my friends went to Ying Ker Lou (迎客楼) @ The Gardens to celebrate one of our friend's birthday. I wasn't that hungry so I ordered the chicken porridge which looks like the smallest portion  food on the menu. Turned out the porridge is quite a a big portion, and it was served a free drink and a dessert. 

 A very big bowl of chicken porridge, a small bowl of sweet dumpling and a glass of barli.

A red sweet dumpling cooked with dragon fruit and a lot of ginger. 

That's why it looks red and it tasted like normal sweet dumpling, just that it was too spicy. Too many gingers!! I can't finish it after I tasted it once. Luckily my friend was willing enough to help me finish it. She also helped me finish the other half of my porridge. I really wasn't feel like want to eat that day = = 

But I had fun that day and I enjoyed filming my version of birthday song as a birthday gift for the birthday girl. The birthday girl loves the video/birthday gift so much ^^ And now I know why so many people like to filming themselves singing or doing interesting thing, it was FUN!! I might get addicted to it =p

Saturday 24 September 2011

Laziness....struck again :-(

I dunno what's wrong with me but I just can't seems to get myself up to do all the assignments I ought to do now.

I am so so so so so lazy that I'd rather to read the whole series of Twilight over and over again than move my fingers and put the thinking cap on for my assignments.

Maybe 4 months of internship makes it harder for me to turn on my study mode back or maybe I just simply became dumber?? Or I just simply being lazy??

Haiz... Hate doing confusing assignments. Hate being unmotivated. Hate being lazy.

Hate myself and all this very very much right now. Hmph! =(

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Change Before You Have To

'Change before you have to --- Jack Welch'
by Dr. G in IO Psych' class


I feel like wanna do the forensic psych' assignment by myself....
Realized that I really not into group assignment, control freak I am?


 Eyes are getting more and more sensitive to bright light @@ Time to get myself a darker lens' eyeglasses huh?


Today I have my 1st Industrial/Organization Psychology a.k.a. IO class. I thought it was going to a nightmare before because I hate business very much!!! Anything that is related to business, which by the way means subject here, I won't get nearer to it unless I have to. However unfortunately IO which talks about psychology in industrial or organization is related to business (yeah I know it is more to management but still it's a business thing!), is a core subject in year 3. This means that I have/need/must take it in order to graduate from the program. Geez... I did cursed the department for putting it as a core subject before.

BUT today's class changed my mind. Yeah it's still kind of boring (no offense >.<) but listen to Dr. G kind of inspiring me. I can related much the theory/module with  my experience in the internship. Thanks to myself for chose to did a 4 months internship? Or maybe I just miss his voice too much? =p

Overall today is a good start for both cognitive & IO class. Let's hope two weeks later I won't turn out to be falling asleep in the class. Addio everyone~

Monday 5 September 2011

New semester starts today!!

Hi folks, as you can see from the title, I'm back to school again~!! Okay that sounds like a high students. Rephrase! I'm back to college again!! And I'm now officially a Year 3 students!! One step further to my dream, hoho~

Today is my 1st day of the new semester, it's also the 1st class of Forensic Psych, which is teach by the legendary Ms.W. Although I almost fail both her year 2 research class (I admit I really hate statistics), and she will give quizzes which I dislike the most in class, and she's also very strict in marking assignment and will give tough exam (= =), I have to say she is the best lecturer I have met so far. She has fun personality, I learn a lot in her class, plus I'm planning to enter the field of criminology in future, so I need to take this only crime-related psych subject in the college in order to get familiar with the subject.

So how's the 1st class of forensic psych? Fun, and serious as well. It's not an easy subject and I know how heavily it could be with all the rape, abuse cases, but that's my interest and I'm well prepare for the world. Plus it's teach by the fun-loving Ms.W (okay maybe not the loving part), so yeah I think I will be fine with it. (finger cross) Hopefully I can nail the subject and get a decent grade for it. I means a real good grade.

Recently I'm so into something, which is....

GLEE!!! I love this drama and I love their songs so muchh!! They have great voices. And I love the chemical romance between Kurt and Blaine. They are sooo sweet~~ Every interaction between them, every time their eyes meet and how Kurt will look at Blaine with a shy-ish, little girl expression. Awww~~so sweet~ How much I wish to have a boyfriend like Blaine, mature and crazy about me.

Okay back to reality. I love GLEE's songs so much, and now I'm addicted to the song 'Toxic', originally sing by Britney Spears. Mr. Schue's voice is sooo sexy. It gives me a blush every time I heard his voice. Woah, can't stand it yet can't stop listening to it. For you all out there who never heard the GLEE version of the song 'Toxic', here you go. Enjoy~

By the way, heard the news couple days ago that Chord Overstreet, who potrayed the character Sam Evans in GLEE (one of my favourite characters >.<) will not join the latest season of GLEE.
!!!! What!? The good looking blonde Justin Bieber (haha) are not joining the cast in the show?? Why?? (T.T) Heard the reason of quitting is some kind of disagreement on contract. Haiz..That means one more handsome + great voice cast gone from the show. Hmmph...Fine. Hopefully the new member from the GLEE project will do a good job on the show. And Ryan please get Cameron Mitchell for the show. He's quite talented and I like him too!!

p.s. I wore my new black boots to class today. It looks really nice (my sister said the opposite coz it doesn't suits my fair skin, brown colour looks nicer though) but it smells REALLY TERRIBLE. New shoes' smell, URGHH.

Sam Evans a.k.a Chord Overstreet ^~^

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Summary again~!

Hi folks, do you have a nice holiday? Well in Malaysia, now we're celebrating Hari Raya (Happy New Year friends~!) and National Day, so everyone have at least 2 or 3 days off starting from Monday. (Hooray~~) Since I have ended my internship on last Saturday, I have about a week time to enjoy my life and take a good rest ;)

First of all, I would like to thank all my readers for willing to spend your precious time to read my blog. Thank you. It really cheer up my day when there are someone out there that pay attention to my little world. Though the blog owner itself doesn't seems to have much interested to update the blog = = (That's not true!! I'm just lazy to move my fingers! I love this blog very much! I swear!!) I really appreciate all your caring for this blog. I meant it, thank you (BIG HUG *~*)

So as you all can read from above, I have ended my 4 months internship on last Saturday. And yes I definitely have a mixed feeling for it. But since it meant so much for me (I do think the internship affected me, in a good way of course), I will blog another post for it. And for now, I MISS MY CHILDREN!!! I miss their laughing faces and how they can be so cute and mature at the same time, which makes me speechless for most of the time! And all the cute babies who like to bully me (Am I a masochist or what? @@) Awww~~

Okay back to reality, now I forgot what I'm suppose to write (crap >.<). Ahhh...Oh ya, I went to the BookFest@Malysia at KLCC couple days ago, and see what I got~

Ta da~~ 'Fallen' and 'Tourment' from Lauren Kate, 'InkHeart' and 'InkDeath' from Cornelia Funke and lastly the big one, a collection of total 15 books in a box from Roald Dahl. Aren't them awesome!? And guess what? My dad paid the most of it. Thank you Dad!! Never thought you will willing to pay my non-acedemic-related stuff.

When I 1st went to the book fest, I bought the 'Fallen' and the Roald Dahl collection.I saw the InkHeart series on a booth but I didin't get them that time because I kind of feeling guilty for spending too much of my dad's money. (The collection of Roald Dahl itself costs about RM200 = =) However when I went back home and wrap the books, I realized that I got two 'The Giraffe and The Pelly and Me' in the Roald Dahl collection. Out of no choice, I went back to the book fest two days later and bought the 'Charlie and The Glass Elevator' to complete the collection. Then when I went to buy the InkHeart series, guess what? The 2nd book 'InkSpell' was out of stock. Around 30~40 of them were all sold. In just two days. What the heck? The guy told me that they have already made an order from the publisher so I can get the book at the outlet in two weeks times. But still woah~ Never thought the book will gone so fast. Well since I didn't get the 2nd book of the InkHeart series, I got myself the 2nd book 'Torment' of the Fallen series. One for one =p

 The top of the Roald Dahl's box

 The back of the box

At the end of the day I'm very satisfied for the books I got. So far I'm reading the book 'Fallen' and it's quite an interesting book. The story is a bit of dragging though. I thought it will be something like Twilight at first but apparently it's not. The story is about a girl and a boy she loves, who happens to be a... well that's the main point of the book, so go get it if you're interested in it.


Two or three weeks ago, my colleagues and I went out for a dinner after work. It was supposed to be a relax and happy outing till we went to do our eyebrows. A nightmare. My colleagues want to get their eyebrow done before they headed to the dinner, so I followed them. Out of curiosity and threaten by my colleagues, for the first time in my life I do my eyebrow, by using a technique called threading. And I don't like it because it's hurts. Painful. Really very painful. The areas around my eyes become really red after the threading. Like someone just spills hot water onto my eyes. Now I know why they say women can handle 10 times more pain than men. If they can do this every month, what's the worse they can't take? Though colleagues kept saying that my eyebrows look nice and I look better (what? = =) after the threading, would I try it again? No. Definitely no.

After dinner we went to Bangsar Shopping Mall for a drink, and since I don't take alcoholic drink, (I don't like the bitter taste of it) I didn't join them. Instead I went to the Victoria Music Centre inside the mall and hope to get the limited edition of a concert dvd I want. This is how the dvd looks like.

I didn't get to buy the limited edition of the concert dvd last year and I missed out the mc/talking part, the funniest part of whole concert. So I hope that I can get the limited edition this time. Well the good news is, the guy in the store told me that they have the limited edition of the concert dvd, which is awesome because that's what I want. But the bad news is the limited edition is the original japan version. JAPAN VERSION. Which means it has no chinese subtitles and it costs about RM400, which is very expensive for me. All the time I've been buying the taiwan version because it'd cheaper (half the price of the japan version) and it has chinese subtitles. Frankly I did thought about buying it that time but my consciousness win the war, I didn't buy it at last. It's just not worth the price. I will ask the store again later for the taiwan version, hopefully it will be out at that time.

Truly miss ya'all~


Okay, I have no idea on what else I can write so I'm going to stop for now. See you soon and hope you all have a good week~ Muacks

Tuesday 19 July 2011

art works~

Every Friday is art & craft day. It is also the only day in a week that I can relax and really enjoy my time with the children. Not that I did not enjoy my time with the children in usual day ya, it's just that when there are less homeworks to do, children tend to be more calm (of course!) and as their educator, I feel less stress as well.

In the Friday before last, children in the class were asked to use clay to decorate the pictures I drew. It was designed to enhance their hand coordination and imagination. I found the before and after of the pictures really amused me. so I decided to share the art works in here.

The first pic posted is the 'before' and the next pic is 'after'.
So are you ready?  Let's start ^~^


 Aren't they adorable?? Cute right?? Some of the 'after' pictures don't even looked like their 'before'. Amazing how differently children think compare to adults huh? Joy of the day: You can always expect different things from 4 years old children. ^^

Sunday 17 July 2011

ouch ;(

I was planning to update my blog tonight but something happened just now and it disturbed all my plan = =

Today whole day I was busy cleaning my house. Of course I watched some japanese shows in the middle but I spent most of my time in cleaning. My goal was to clean up the family area (a small area outside my room which I use for display) and my room in one day, which was supposed to be today. The process was nice and smooth, I managed to clean up the whole family area though I accidently cut one of my finger when I clean the space in between the cabinet's sliding door, it wasn't a big deal. However, seems like I overestimate my today's luck. Because things went wrong when I moved to my bedroom.

At first, I got paper cut when I try to shift some books from the bookshelf to the other place. Okay, that wasn't a big deal though I don't understand how it happened. Or maybe I'm more careless than I thought O.o Anyway how, I was planning to wipe the air-cond in my bedroom. I seldom use air-cond because I think it is not environment friendly and I'm easily cold. But when my dad 1st renovate the house, he installed an air-cond in each bedroom because he thought we all need it. Although I have only turned on the air-cond in my room twice after we moved in, I still need to wipe away the dirty dust on it. The air-cond was installed too near the ceiling and apparently I was too short to reach without any help. So I have no choice but to use a ladder to help me. Then comes the worst part.

When I try to climb down from the ladder to wash the rag, the ladder lost it's balance before I managed to step on the lower step. So I fell down to the side, together with the ladder. Luckily my bed is next to where I stand so the ladder fall on the bed but not on my body, and I managed to balance myself before I fall on the floor. Although I minimized the harm by support myself with the bedstead, my left hand knocked on the bedstead before the ladder knock the wrist of the same hand.

It wasn't hurts at first because I was too shocked to response to the event. At that time all I can feel is great numbness coming from my wrist, my left hand's index finger and 3 toes on my left foot. Since my hand doesn't bleeds because the ladder knocked on the bone inside instead of hurting the skin outside, I have to move my hand to make sure it is okay, or not too serious. And yes it is fine, I can move my fingers freely. Then I guess the numbness of my foot was caused by the striking from the floor. After I balanced myself during the falling, I landed on the floor with one foot standing before I fall on it, my left foot. Imagine falling from approximately 130cm high on ladder and landed on floor with one foot, it's normal to experience numbness in the foot, even though the numbness continues for several hours = = But I'm so absorbed with the red spot on my wrist that I didn't realized my toes was bleeding, until I showed them to my sister. That's why it hurts so much huh? And I only realized afterwards that I cut my right hand's pinky in the event when I took a shower later and the water makes the wound ache = = Wow, let's hope I will not found another wound when I woke up later ya?

Overall, I managed to clean up the family area and I clean up part of my bedroom before the falling event that I survived. My toes bleed, my pinky hurts and my wrist swollen. Moral of the story? Next time ask someone else to the cleaning whenever it involves ladder, climbing or some upper area. At least when the same event happens again, they are the one who gets hurt but not me. Hehe, so mean of me =p

 the red and  swollen left hand's wrist

the swollen part~ It looks like a small muscle on wrist, like popeye's hand, it's just that I have used a wrong way to grew something that is not even close to the structure of a muscle (=n=)
and the opposite part is where I knocked on the bedstead, luckily I'm a right-handed huh

Tuesday 12 July 2011



I need more time~!!!
I have no time to do my works~~
I have no time to clean my house~~
I have no time to prepare my stuff~~
I have no time to tutor my brother~~
I have no time to update my blog~~

. . . . . .

But I have time to online and read my books+manga

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

= =''!!!

Useless people stupid me~~

Sunday 26 June 2011

another collection~

I went for shopping with my sister today. See what I've bought?


I shouldn't bought this manga because I really need to save money for my future use. But it was there, lay on the foor beside the aisle in the shop, waiting for someone to buy it, and it was one of the two last stocks!
So, though my brother said he will buy it, which now he obviously cannot because he has no money, and though it was expensive (it costs more than RM100), I've bought it!!!

Haiz~ I know I know~ I have no self-control and I am terrible in saving money. Haiz~ But since I've bought it, I will treat it nice and keep it well. I actually get mad if someone spoil my books. Even if it's just a small scratch. I will get really really angry.

I love RAVE. It was a nice manga and I love the storyline. Though it was kinda sad as well. Really very sad. Especially when the guy whom power is to control the time died,and when Haru had to die and Elie had to be the one to kill him. It' just too sad. But nice. Guess I'm a masochism when it comes to manga huh?

Friday 17 June 2011


Rhythm of The Falling Rain

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I've been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again.

The only girl I care about has gone away
Lookin' for a brand new start
But little does she know that when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart.

Rain please tell me now does that seem fair
For her to steal my heart away when she don't care
I can't love another when my heart's somewhere far away.
[ Lyrics from: ]
The only girl I care about has gone away
Looking for a brand new start
But little does she know that when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart.

Rain won't you tell her that I love her so
Please ask the sun to set her heart aglow
Rain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow.

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I've been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again.

Woa, listen to the falling rain
Woa, listen to the falling rain
Woa, listen to the falling rain
Woa, listen to the falling rain...


Get Backers!!

Ginji~ (he is so cute ^~^)

Ban~ (he is so sexy man O.o)

I'm reading back this manga recently because I've bought the whole series for my brother, as his birthday gift. Yeah I know, I'm such a good sister who bought RM100++ gift for brother, with my salary. I've also bought some other books for myself at a book fair, and a doll for my sister as a gift as well. Thanks to all these stuff, my 1st month salary GONE!! T~T 
I really need to attend 'How to SAVE MONEY' class...or maybe a seminar? =p

whole series of Get Backers~

some other books I've bought at the book fair~ ^^
No money, no talk. No money, no cosplay. No money, no guitar lesson. No money, got nothing. T_T
Guess this is how I look like now~


Sunday 12 June 2011


Children were asked to draw people with different emotion shown in order to learn more about emotion and feelings. So as the assistant teacher, I acted out few emotions and this is how I look like in children' eyes.

I have green and blue face!!! And yes, I don't even have hair in one or two of the pictures...>.<
I don't know if you noticed this but I think I look like a character in 'A Bug's Life' in the 1st column at the left.


I'm planning to cosplay like this in this year CF. Do you think I suit the character??


  Or this?

Or maybe I should cos two different character for both days? Since I think I will attend both of them. But then where should I get all this dress from? I definitely need to ask my mum to sew the red cloth for me. Then the lolita dress??? Get it from Times Square? Hmm... And how about my hair? I have to do treatment to make it looks nicer. Wah...we are talking about a lot of money here and that's the hardest thing I could ever get (- -,)

(notice: all images are retrieved from

Saturday 4 June 2011


 I almost forgot what happen for the last few weeks so I just summarize what I have been through in this post la..

1st, I've attended the wedding of my cousin, he is 1 or 2 years younger than me and the reason he get marry is because his girlfriend got pregnant. Yeah I know, O.o right? Anyway how, the bride is really cute and pretty. She wore a dark olive green halter gown, which kind of looks like picture at below.

The design of the gown is almost the same like the one in the pic as well. Cute right? ^^
The bride is so young (she is the same age as my cousin) plus she looks like the cute girls in Japan, so even though she is already 5 months pregnant at that time, she looks amazing at that night.  She is so thin that I bet the baby is a boy. Hehe, like what others say, big and round tummy if it's a baby girl, flat and sharp tummy if it's a baby boy.


2nd, I went to the C2AGE event held at Tropicana!!! C2AGE stands for 'Cosplay, Comic, Anime, Games & Exhibition'. It's a society/club co-founded by the students at HELP and it's about, well the name of the club tells you everything right? The event held for two days and I went to both of them. Well I didn't stay till the end for both days but I did saw some great cosplay there. Here are some pictures to show.

 Hi Yaoi~ =p

I lazy to upload all pictures so I just uploaded few of them. Just enough to let you all see the craziness. But I have to admit the best cosplay event I have seen so far is the Comic Fiesta last year, though I've only been to 2 events before. And I saw some cosplayers from CF last year in the C2AGE!! Haha, this is a small world huh? Anyway, I can't wait for the CF this year and I swear I'm going to cosplay for that. I already have the whole concept in my mind and what's left is just to put the thinking into action. No money, no talks. >.<


3rd, one thing dad told me few days before about working.

"When you are working, always listen with your ears, see with your eyes and think with your brain. But never talk with your  mouth."

Try your best to understand that. This is an advice from someone who starts to work legally since 14 years old. I found it very useful.

4th, my high school buddy's birthday is next week and she has plan a birthday party. Woah~ That means I can go to the party right after I finish my work? Hmm...I took off couple days ago because I'm sick. It wasn't that serious but my brother is right, I shouldn't spread the virus to the kids there so I decided to tool off and relax at home. But it also means that I have to replace my shift on next Saturday. At first I thought it will be bad because I have to lose one weekend but now? Haha, it's actually more convenient for me to go to the party now. But the transport how le? Hmm...Never mind la, ask my brother to fetch me then =p


And lastly, I have more worksheets to do and everyone wants me to finish theirs' first. Grrr... That means I have to 1st, learn how to split myself or grow more hands;

2nd, I have to learn how to do more stuff at once, which by means I have to increase my working pace, turn my speed engine into max;

3rd, I have to start finding more possible pics for my worksheets. Since I can't scan the book for copyright issue, and the teacher didn't edit the content for me, I have to actually change everything in the book without changing the teaching and the content. What is that? How to change something without changing the content and violate the copyright? I can do that for my assignment but teaching book??
Haiz...imagine a picture with animals in a jungle and students have to fill in the names for the animals, where should I go look for the same pictures with same content but different animals? Unless I draw a different picture but then it would cost me a lot of time and I'm not that free.

4th, do everything I mention above but x100 because I really have a lot to do and I always get extra works. For example I just send 400+ sms to parents regarding our holiday program couple weeks ago and guess what? After that only few students apply and my boss think that is because the parents didn't receive the notice and I need to send sms to the parents again in the following week, this time approximately 1000 sms. Crazy man! Then wrap the books company bought, laminate and cut the decoration use for the holiday program. Haiz...Many short notice and  many extra works. All my works are pending and I'm blogging now!? Haiz... Bad bad bad..

Like what the assistant manager in our company said, this is real life. This is how working like in real life. One of my colleague had to translate documents from Malay into English when she first works at the company. Another colleague has to build about 10 cabinets in the centre with her own hand and one screwdriver. All of them have been through what I'm doing now and I can assist the teachers in the class one week after I joined the company, no harsh works, nothing. So maybe I shouldn't complain so much about my work and try to learn as more as possible during this internship. Coz I really think I will get smarter after I complete this internship, though it means more challenging and exhausting  works.


p/s: My big dog almost bang into wall when she is chasing after some birds in our garden. My mix breed dog actually banged into the wall with front when he chased after the ball my brother kicked in the garden. No bleed and no harm. My small dog? Not even dare to touch the back of my tortoises with her hand. Just barks non-stop. Chicken.